an eclectic mix of unlearning, learning, thoughts, images, and life stories about the journey of being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Catalyst 2007 part 1
This was my first year to attend the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA. I couldn't have asked for a better set up. The foreshadowing began when I arrived in long term parking at DFW airport and it took me 15 minutes to get from parking, through ticketing, and then through the checkout points and to my terminal. That itself is a miracle of unknown proportions. Our flight was smooth with no turbulence. Checking in at the motel went without a hitch
As we walk into the conference James, the friend I was with, meets a seminary friend who invites us to join him in one of the stadium suites to enjoy the conference. So we aren't crowded in rows but up in a box suite.
I must admit I kept looking over my shoulder. I don't know that I had ever been on a spiritual retreat without some sort of spiritual warfare or struggle.

First Day highlights: The labs
Reggie McNeal:
Some people think the church is a place, others think the church is a vendor of religious services. The church in reality is a group of people on mission with God.
There is a shift from an internal focus to an external focus. The church has gotten to internally focused, they have a church-centric view of the world. the shift is toward being externally focused and seeing the church through kingdom lenses..
An internal focus try's to get people to come to us. An external focus is about the church going out to them in all the domains of life.
Missional emphasis irritates church people. Church-centric people believe we use our gifts at the place (church) and that church staff are paid to serve the place (church).
The Spirit of God is out running in the streets not just hanging out at the church.
The kingdom of God is the destination for people not the church. Like an airport the church is a connector not a destination.
Chris Seay:
We are addicted to buying things. Our identity is tied to consumerism. It is the prozac of our society.
This is the original sin of Adam and Eve, wanting "more".
The church gets caught up in offering people "more".
Christmas is Jesus birthday, not ours, yet we spend much more on ourselves than Him. Let your kids give money to needy this Christmas not just be consumed with what they can get.
Leonard Sweet:
We have become a culture of consumption. Consumption is the opiate of the people. I consume therefore i am.
We need to become a culture of conception. We tend and till Gods garden.
The greatest failure of the church in this generation if the failure to confront the culture of consumption with a different model.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Building Block of Transformation
In our Christian lives the destination is transformation into the image of Christ. If the destination is transformation then the road to the destination would be called maturation. And there is a way of navigating this journey.
The Bible is clear that as we have become new creations we are to think differently. Here are some of the steps of that journey which I would call the building blocks of transformation.
1. Think kingdom thoughts
2. Saturate yourself by Meditating on the word day and night
3. which encourages you to Act upon Gods will
4. Which will develop Godly Habits in you
5. Which build strongholds of character in our lives
6. which leave kingdom legacies for others
As my pastor says "if you elevate your thinking you elevate your life". When Gods word empowered by the Holy Spirit dominates your thinking you are transformed.
The Bible is clear that as we have become new creations we are to think differently. Here are some of the steps of that journey which I would call the building blocks of transformation.
1. Think kingdom thoughts
2. Saturate yourself by Meditating on the word day and night
3. which encourages you to Act upon Gods will
4. Which will develop Godly Habits in you
5. Which build strongholds of character in our lives
6. which leave kingdom legacies for others
As my pastor says "if you elevate your thinking you elevate your life". When Gods word empowered by the Holy Spirit dominates your thinking you are transformed.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Getting current
I had quit using this blog for a season, but I am going to begin to update it again. I am a bit frustrated at the thieves of cyberworld. I moved this blog to my website for a while and tried to move it back to my address on blogger. Only to find someone is poaching the site. Someone has stolen my site and is using it to advertise. My new address is I am pursuing the issue with google but haven't heard anything yet.
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