I have been moved this week at the honoring of the passing of president Ronald Reagan. Remembering his life at his death has made me proud of being an American and what it stands for. I appreciated president George Bush's speech at the funeral. Reagan was a picture of many character traits that are instilled in me that make up an ideal American.
Reagan was a respecter of all people whether janitor or head of state. It was said that he never spoke down to anyone.
Reagan was a man of graciousness. He rose in a ladies presence. He obviously cared about people and treated them with respect. He reminded me of my own grandfather Herman Franklin who was a man's man yet had a profound kindness toward others.
Ronald Reagan was a man of principle. He spoke passionately upon what he believed in and tried to follow through in action. One example I heard this week was how in the hospital room when he had been shot by an assassin, Reagan prayed for the person who shot him before he prayed for himself.
Reagan was a deeply committed Christian. It was moving to hear his son Michael talk of his dad speaking of his faith to his son in 1988 and passing it along to his son. He said he hoped one day he could pass that faith on to his own son.
Reagan was an optimist, he saw the good in life and in people and especially in our country. His daughter told the story of being a little girl and Reagan taking her to a field that had been badly burned. He showed her the small green shoots of new life breaking through the charred ground and told her that their was always new life that would come forth after bad things.
There is honor in the life of Ronald Reagan. There is something right about all of us getting to be involved in that honor.
I understand that honor comes from Reagan's personal faith in Jesus Christ. It was our Lord that gave gifts to President Reagan and enabled him to be able to share those gifts with us.
No, I'm not idolizing a man. I'm sure Ronald Reagan had his short comings as all of us do. But I hope and pray that my life becomes a gift to others as Ronald Regean's was a gift to ours.
Tonight I salute the memory of Ronald Reagan and how he walked out his life with Christ to give others a hope in that faith.
1 comment:
I was also moved by the events of the week and especially Michael Reagan's bold testimony of his father's faith as well as he and wife in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Thanks for writing about it.
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