Friday, January 28, 2005

A generous orthodoxy indeed.

I recently have read through a Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McClaren. A Generous Orthodoxy is one of those books that stirs up sentiment in dramatic ways. It is one of those books that is either loved or hated.

Without going into huge detail about it's contents I found a review that I thought was really fair and along the lines of my own thinking. Check out Craig Bloomberg's review from Denver seminary.

Did I love the book or hate it? The answer is yes to both. It's a book that challenges current paradigms of Christianity, I loved that part. It is a book that stretches the boundaries of traditional Christianity which is distressing. Overall it is a book that should make a person think and not be afraid to ask questions. No, Brian doesn't have all the "right" answers and I think that is one of the points of the book, noone does.

Whether love or hate, you should read A Generous Orthodoxy.

For even more info you can check out the blog.

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