Tuesday, March 22, 2005

An aha moment

We are beginning a time on Thursday nights to study the gospel of John over a meal. We are going to be using N.T. Wrights John for Everyone to create dialogue. I have had my kids join us in this endeavor. I have been seeing the need in my kids to get them more involved in a constant intake of the word of God. As I see times that their emotions have breakdowns I've been realizing that teaching them to receive from the Word isn't just a duty Christians parents should do, but something a Father would desire to equip his children with to help them battle the attacks of worldliness, the attacks of selfishness from our own flesh, and even offenses that will come their way. And at the same time teaching them to encounter the heart of Jesus and not just information about Him.

Anyway all that to say: The kids and I were driving along in my pickup and my son Ethan had an aha moment. He said "dad, I just thought of something. A lamb had to die because Adam and Even sinned right" I said yea, there has to be a sacrifice for sin. He then said "It is like God is telling us something that is going to happen in the future then, because just like Adam and Even had to have a lamb die for their sin, we need Jesus the lamb of God to die for our sin, so God shows us stuff that's going to happen even before it does." What a blessing to have an aha moment for myself to see that my son had a moment of revelation. God was speaking to his heart. It was a good day !


loren said...

Hi Berry,
Wow, Ethan is a young man of God, amazing. I wonder where he gets it from?
From the Lord, of course, but he has a good example.

the nygrens said...

'nuf said.

Chris said...

Those are some of my favorite times!