Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Blitzed but not tackled

Work has blitzed my time to blog for a few weeks now. It reminds me of being a quarterback in football and seeing that blitz coming. You had to make quick decisions and be a bit elusive to survive. Some blitzes ended in bruising tackles and others in big plays.

Even though I am getting the life blitz right now. God is working some good things within me . I have been meditating on Psalm 1 for weeks now. It is coming more and more alive to me. I was very familiar with Psalms 1 having committed most of it to memory years ago. I am learning that a dangerous thing happens when you have studied and know a portion of scripture. You begin to think you have the understanding of it. It is not a pompous kind of pride that lifts up it's ugly head, but more like a sneaky little pride that slips in the back door. The whisper of this little pride goes something like this "hey, why read that scripture, you know it well, and it's really kinda boring."

I have taken some wisdom from something Kirk Bennett out of IHOP said. He said approach all scripture with a "God, will you teach me about this passage?" I have been asking the Lord to teach me more about Psalms 1 and it is beginning to take. One of the first things the Lord directed me in was a picture of this man in Psalms one who is blessed. The picture He gave me was one of Jesus. Jesus is the embodiment of Psalms one. Jesus delight was in the law of the Lord and on it He meditated day and night. We know that Jesus had a pure continual fellowship with the Father. Here is a key insight into that fellowship. Jesus meditated on the word. I can picture Jesus working at the carpenter bench crafting a new table for someone with Psalm 1 on his lips. "Blessed is the man, Blessed is the man, Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, Blessed is the man who does not walk, who does not go in the direction of ungodly counsel, who does not listen to ungodly counsel . . .". I picture Jesus repeating this in thought and with voice, reading the word, speaking the word, thinking the word, even singing the word, and praying the word He is thinking on.

Psalms 1 is becoming a delight to think on. I am beginning to glean some fresh manna from it. I hope to continue meditating on Psalms 1 for weeks to come and continue feeding my soul.


loren said...

Hi Berry,

I love your insight about Jesus in Psalm 1! I wonder if the devil is like the ungodly person in that same passage? The rebellious dwell in a dry land.

loren said...

Hi Berry,

For a guy who hasn't been tackled, you sure are scambling a lot! Hope to see some new entries from you soon. Say "Hi!" to Elizabeth and the kids for us! We've been praying for you.
