Friday, April 09, 2004

:: What was I thinking?

Do you ever have an impulse you want to act on that probably you should put some more thought into? I had one today. Somewhere deep inside my being is this image of working out that thinks it is cool and even a little macho to run stadium bleachers as exercise. Macho guys in movies do it all the time. So I get an impulse to do this. I take the kids (they are out of school for a holiday) to a local 5A high school with a really tall football stadium. I challenge them to make it a whole lap around the track while I begin the road to fitness through running stadium bleachers.

My calves got a good workout. My legs had that great burnnig screaming at you sensation. I am at home now trying to find the energy to get out of this chair. You know the weird thing. I may do it again this week.

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