This generation sees the state of the union after those who were "experts" couldn't fix it. The experts didn't keep mom and dad from divorce. They didn't keep countries from being at war. They didn't fix the brokeness of our world. The experts was the ultimate con. It was a convention of men that didn't prove out. There is a hunger now for more than we can understand.
Even for us as followers of Christ, we think when we get a decade under out belt we have really learned a lot. I guess compared to where we were we have gained some understanding of God. But in comparison to all of who God is and all there is to know of Him, we have only scratched the surface. I think of Paul who in his earlier new testament writings said "Paul, apostle of God". You can hear the bold proclamation of his calling. Yet in latter books you see "Paul, chief of sinners". Did Pauls relationship with God get watered down along the way. My guess is as Paul moved closer to God, he realized what little he did know and how amazingly vast God was.
Mike S. says this in his intro : The people to fear are those who don't know enough to know that they don't know.
**God help us to keep a healthy respect of your vastness.**
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