Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Matthew 25 Keep our focus

Matthew 25: 1 - 13

Kingdom of heaven is like: 10 bridesmaids

 took their lamps to meet the bridegroom.
 fell asleep
 awoke and prepared their lamps

 didn't take enough oil
 started running out of oil
 asked the other 5 for some of their oil
 went to find oil and while gone missed the bridegrooms coming
 came back and found door locked, called out to be let in.

 took more than enough oil
 didn't have enough for their lamp and the others
 told the others to go find more oil
 bridegroom came, they were ready, went with bridegroom to the marriage feast

 came at midnight with a shout.
 took five virgins that were ready to marriage feast
 told other five who came back later, he did not know them.

Focus:  Keep watch, Continue to put oil in your lamp and have a supply, don't lose focus and quit cultivating intimacy with God, focus at the end of chapter 24 also

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