Try this for a stress test.
Have you ever found out you were moving immediately? Bad enough leaving family, friends, and things you've know for so long, but add to that no time to say goodbye.
Have you ever had your parents misunderstand something you did to the point of ostracizing you? That would be stressful.
Have you ever been in a situation that everyone thought you were lying about a major event in your life?
Ever had a girlfriend tell you they were pregnant and the baby was not yours? We’re talking serious hurt.
What about this? Have you ever had a supernatural being visit you and give you a message?
What advice do you have for this persons stress level?
a. Give them the Henry Cloud book Boundaries.
b. tell them not to try drugs ever again.
c. Recommend them to the Jerry Springer show
or d. Do you encourage them to continue to follow God and His plan for their life?
When thinking about Christmas we see Christmas cards with Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus with halo's around their heads, sometimes we forget that they walked through some deep dark times on the road to being true followers.
It's a good reminder that following Christ is not neat and clean and happy and stressless all the time. Much of time there are more loose ends than tied ones and more questions than answers.
It is also a reminder that the road no matter how rough is leading us to Christ
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