Thursday, May 15, 2003


A friend and I went to lunch today. We talked in anticipation about seeing the Matrix reloaded. He just turned thirty. I kidded him that if he didn't understand the movie that meant he was getting to be an old person.

The whole premise of the Matrix is such a great picture of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the reality we all live in, yet so many times we don't see life through the reality of the Kingdom, we see it through the reality of this world and how this world looks and feels (The Matrix). Faith is so much not what we can taste, touch, feel, see, or hear in a natural sense, it is embracing something bigger than ourselves. Enough of that, I know books and thousands of interpretations have been written on the Matrix. Personally, I can't wait to see Hollywood's latest and greatest technology and to talk about the postmodern values of Reloaded with a circle of friends.

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