Thursday, October 23, 2003

:: Stepping out from the land of logic

Ever hear a phrase and have it stick to you like syrup. You just can't get it off. I heard a young woman speak of stepping out from the land of logic. When Peter went to Jesus walking on the water, he left the land of logic to follow Christ. In our lives obedience doesn't necessarily make since to our logical minds.

I am finding lately that my walk with God leads me to His peace but takes me away from my comfort. My obedience leads me to be involved with the kingdom of God not my personal success. Like Peter I am doin my darndest to keep my eyes on Jesus see what He is saying to me. Also like Peter at times, I look around me and see the sea and the waves and my logical mind kicks in and says "Are you crazy, what are you doing out in the deep?"

So this phrase continues to stir in me, and to wrestle with me, and most of all to challenge me. The challenge is to obey, even when I don't understand. God is so far above my rationality.

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