I enjoy blogging, so it has to be a busy week to keep me from being here. Last week was such a week. Thursday night we began a quarterly event for our community we are calling the EXCHANGE. This is a weekend where we are exchanging ideas with one another, we bring in someone outside of our community and have them exchange ideas with us, we try to join with another faith community and exchange with them, and most importantly seek God in a way that brings exchange between Himself and our community.
Thursday night my friend Shane Kuhn from Lubbock Texas joined us and facilitated a dialogue about faith from Hebrews 11. The main thread of the conversation was that God establishes markers in our lives and the lives of others that help encourage our faith. We need to remember these faith events in our lives to strengthen us to have faith in our current situations. We had our usual meal and worship also.
Chris came up with a funny analogy at our meal about the three guys that are in his head. He said there was a fast guy that retrieves information. So let's say when a person named George walks up, fast guy runs to the files and brings back the info. that this is George. Then there is the smart guy who knows how to be cool and make good conversation. Finally there is the dumb guy. Sometimes when fast guy and smart guy are on break, he gets to take over. In this case let's say George is walking up and fast guy in not there to retrieve information and smart guy isn't there to act cool. You end up saying something that may be a cross of information like Hi-Ow your doing? This is a cross between Hi and How are you doing which the dumb guy couldn't decide on. This analogy seemed to be used all weekend.
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