We had a total of sixteen people at our first Sunday night service. The presence of God was strongly among us. We began with two songs, released kids to go to their classes. We then went to a more intimate worship set. People did go to our various worship spaces during worship. We have a contemplative space set up. This night we had a pitcher of water, towels, and a basin set up with scriptures on washing ourselves and how the Lord cleanses our sins. Justin Blake hung out at the creative station during worship doing some drawing. We had a kneeling rail at the prayer station and a few stopped there for a moment.
We then went to the topic of the night which was stories. We invited people to share stories that involved their journey with Jesus. Daniel shared a story of going to a drug deal and meeting an old friend who he hadn't seen in years and years and a few months later she invited him to Hope Chapel where God encountered him. What are the chances of going to a drug deal and meeting an old friend who is going to invite you to church soon. We looked at the scripture in John 21 where John says is all the miracles of what Jesus had said and one were written they would fill all the books of the world. We talked about how this community is about telling His (Jesus Christ) story and telling how our lives are connected with His story.
We ended in praying for people. Abigail Branch came over to support us. We prayed for her and the Greenhouse, a church plant in Ft. Worth. Justin and Brandi Blake came over and we praying for God's encouragement on their new marriage. We had prayed that God would use us to encourage others and minister to them. This first time of large community gathering did that. Our prayer is that there will be a continued flow of people we can serve that God will direct us to.
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