Wednesday, March 10, 2004

:: Trading spaces

As we plan on our large group gatherings, we have been talking in terms of space for the place we are meeting. The space we have found to gather fits what we wanted. It is a Lutheran church with all the icons of the Christian faith within. Within that space we plan on dedicating spaces in the sanctuary there to a variety of expressions of worshiping God. We plan on having a space that is focused on prayer, a space that is a contemplative space, a creative space, and a community space. These spaces are identified so that people can worship and experience God is various ways as we gather. Our ultimate goal is creating environments where people can experience Christ.

I am excited to see how this methodology develops. We understand that the ancient truths of Scripture found in relationship with Christ are the same yesterday, today, and for all times but the containers that communicate those truths change. We want to experiment with those containers.

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