Monday, May 10, 2004

:: New look

Two Sunday ago we talked on Sunday nights about taking off the old man and putting on the new man. We want our style of dress to be kingdom. Keeping with the theme I thought I would change my blog dress and try one of the new blogger templates. I'll probably make some tweaks soon.

This Sunday night Chris changed all the worship song sets to include us and we where normally there would be me and I. I think this is an appropriate biblical shift. Community is key.

Justin and Kelly, from Mars Hill, came over and shared about their excursion to Russia recently and the passion of their hearts for kids in ophanages there. It was a good time of food, fellowship, and the presence of God. Can I say presence of God on an emerging blog? The emerging movement (already passe) need a book like Roberts Rules of Order. We could call it the Pomo Flow of Chaos.


dr. larry said...

That's too funny. Only problem with that is who would "be in charge" or be the parlimetarian? Can't you just see trying to introduce the thought of sameness at an EmChurch gathering or convention? :-P

Anonymous said...

we had a great time and look forward to our history with you guys on the road.

Joe Bartling said...

Berry, I must say that I love the new look. Check out my blog at to find out why! Hope to check out your posts from time to time. I found your blog searching on "Jesus Christ". I am glad thatwe are found "in Him".

