Tuesday, May 04, 2004

:: Sunday night

Sunday night had a couple of themes. Chris and Mark taught a new song focusing on Jesus being our refuge. We talked a minute about what a refuge was to us. It was a touching song. We mixed teaching time with some reflection and prayer. We continued to talk about making no agreements with sin. We walked through Ephesians 4 asking God to show us any sin and spent time repenting of it in quiet. This is a great explanation by Paul of taking off the old man (worldy desires and yearnings) and putting on the new man (Christlike desires and yearnings).

One interesting verse tells the man who stole to steal no more. Not only that, but he was to go to the opposite end of the spectrum, work, and give away. We talked a bit about pursuing the other side of our weaknesses. If lust is weakness then pursue purity. If rage and wrath are a weakness pursue passionately quietness and peace. In our weakness He will be strong.

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