Sunday, July 25, 2004

:: Definitions

I wonder what is the true defintion of a blogger. Is it someone who blogs daily? Is it someone who puts their whole heart into each blog? If you blog weekly are you a wannabe? Anybody seen any good blogs or articles along these lines?

Life is so stinkin busy these days. I am working a job that is taking me 60 hrs a week. Somewhere in the middle of all that I am trying to be involved in a church plant. Lately it has been survival mode. Survival mode is when life is spinning a little too fast to keep balanced emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially. There are days in here I feel like the old Randy Stonehill song "Stop the world I wanna get off".

I am sure God is up to something in all this. For the life of me I haven't got it figured out though.

I better stop this is getting too much like a rambling rant. Later.


Anonymous said...

kinda funny how it takes a "desperate" post to cause people to leave a comment. makes ya wonder.

bro, i'm with ya. keep on pressing in and following hard. He's with you all the way.

oh, and, the definition of a blogger? the answer to your questions is, "Yes." Just remember, it all depends on what your definition of "is" is.


Anonymous said...

Um, if a blogger is someone who posts regularly than I have been really remiss with my blog 'On Prayer' which I keep meaning to continue...having last posted around Christmas. Still I do a bit better at my 'rant' blog.

I think a blogger is one who writes what they think, when they want to write, not one who writes what they think others want him/her to write, whenever they want him/her to write.

I think that's what makes blogging so interesting - that personal side of it.

Thanks for dropping by at On Prayer.

saint in a straitjacket

dr. larry said...

I'm hearing ya dude! Praying with ya for peace in the chaos! L8r