Monday, December 01, 2003

:: The Call Dallas

I was able to get over to the Call Dallas Saturday for a few hours. It was encouraging seeing so many young people with a desire to seek after Gods face. One young man spoke of how the enemy had tried to destroy a godly generation through the agency of aborition. This is a generation that God has called to impact the world. This particular young man said he had a vision and in that vision the voices of the aborted were crying out, give my gifts and calling to those still on the earth to fulfill the kingdom purposes in this generation. They cried give it to that one Lord, give it to this one Lord.

As we worshipped at the cotton bowl, I found myself praying that God would show me how to serve this young generation. I desire to lift them up and help them see Gods manifest purposes fulfilled through there lives.
I also began to offer myself up to God. I thought God I don't have extreme gifts and talents but I have a willing heart. I give that willing heart to you God. I know I have feet of clay, but I give it all to you God to use for your glory.

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