Saturday, January 10, 2004

:: Missional communities: the dancing hand of God

I was reading an article on Allelon called leadership within missional communities by Todd Hunter tonight which is a great read by the way. Anyway Todd reminded me of something John Wimber spoke of. In 1 Corinthians 12 the word manifestations which is the greek "phanerosis" can refer to the dancing hand of God.

That is such a beautiful picture to me that these gifts of the spirit or graces that God gives manifest on people as God hands dances around the body of Christ. There is a flow and a gracefullness to that picture. It is as if God is creating His own movement within His people and imparting portions of grace.

My thought was toward our emerging communities being missional. I know God extends his grace in the context of the community of faith, but I also contend that God uses this community as it goes into the world (workplace and marketplace) in the very same way. His dancing hand wants to use us to impart grace upon those we are around every day. We are part of Gods creative movement on the earth.

I liken this with a play that has two acts. For a complete story you have to have both parts. For us as the community of faith we come together and experience Gods presence. This is act 1. In it He gives us encouragement, love and empowerment. Act 2 is the natural progression of the story. We then go and extend this love, encouragement and empowerment to a broken world that has not experienced His love.

May we not only be the recipients of God dancing hand, but the vessels through which God works in our generation.

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