Monday, February 02, 2004

:: The dream

I was answering some questions on the Allenon website tonight and the question of what you dream about asked. Here is my answer:

I dream of communities of people who recognize that this walk with God is a journey. It is a journey that is best traveled in community. It is a journey that is not polished, one that can't be marketed and sold. It is a community that suffers. It is a community that has the primary task of extending the kingdom of God on this earth.

It is a community that finds Gods grace given freely, that freely given grace then flows out of people as they become containers of Gods grace, these same people meet together as distributors of grace to the community of faith, and are able to model and serve others in their journey to become grace receivers and grace givers.

My dream is to serve giftings of other people (a Barnabus heart) to serve other churches in fulfilling their journey. Most of all my dream is being a man who sits at the feet of my Savior Jesus Christ often bringing others to sit with me and soak in His goodness and love.

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