Friday, February 27, 2004

:: last Fuel in February

Fuel began with homemade hamburgers last night. Dinner topics were "the Passion" Mel Gibson's new movie, car wrecks and other assorted stories. After dinner we went around and everyone got to tell what their musical tastes were, what they were currently listening to and what they began listening to years ago when they began following Jesus. We had a pretty eclectic mix.

We followed with some discussion on John 4 and the woman at the well. We talked about how Jesus crossed many cultural boundaries to encounter the woman at the well. We talked of how Jesus in His authenticity unmasked all the various masks of the woman. This unmasking led to a true encounter with herself and Jesus. We talked about how God not only encountered this woman but she became the vessel that would call the whole village to come and see Jesus. God uses unlikely vessels. We sang Psalm 121 and then prayed that the Lord would send us to the Colony to have encounters with the people there. We prayed that He would direct us how to serve people and how not to follow some rote pattern of reaching people. We want to be intertwined in the community there and be open to the God encounters that come. Instead of the woman at the well it may be the man at Wal=Mart, or the woman at Braums, the teen at Whataburger or the single mom at the grocery store.

Lord show us how to serve.

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