an eclectic mix of unlearning, learning, thoughts, images, and life stories about the journey of being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Umm Christmas dinner
Friday I spent time with Shane, then Ethan and I grabbed some Home Plate diner quisine (chicken fried steak and cheese sticks). Home Plate Diner is one of those places that is native to Lubbock and missed by Ethan and I. I spent time installing and working on mom and dads computers Friday afternoon. I enjoy being able to give back in some way to them as they so often have given into our lives.
Saturday afternoon was spent playing card games and getting ready for Saturday night. Adam, my brother in law, as usual brought steaks that we cooked on the grill.
Our Christmas meal Saturday night was giant coconut shrimp, ribeye steak, baked potatoes, etc. It was goooood. It has been a blessing to be in Lubbock and with friends and family. There is something about the yearly family gatherings that adds richness to life.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Now that's stress
Have you ever found out you were moving immediately? Bad enough leaving family, friends, and things you've know for so long, but add to that no time to say goodbye.
Have you ever had your parents misunderstand something you did to the point of ostracizing you? That would be stressful.
Have you ever been in a situation that everyone thought you were lying about a major event in your life?
Ever had a girlfriend tell you they were pregnant and the baby was not yours? We’re talking serious hurt.
What about this? Have you ever had a supernatural being visit you and give you a message?
What advice do you have for this persons stress level?
a. Give them the Henry Cloud book Boundaries.
b. tell them not to try drugs ever again.
c. Recommend them to the Jerry Springer show
or d. Do you encourage them to continue to follow God and His plan for their life?
When thinking about Christmas we see Christmas cards with Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus with halo's around their heads, sometimes we forget that they walked through some deep dark times on the road to being true followers.
It's a good reminder that following Christ is not neat and clean and happy and stressless all the time. Much of time there are more loose ends than tied ones and more questions than answers.
It is also a reminder that the road no matter how rough is leading us to Christ
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Indie Allies
For me the consensus on many questions keeps coming back to the fact that it is healthy to pursue questions in us. This is part of our search after more of the creator of the universe. There is something in me that continually cries out for more of Christ. I think all my questions are from that outflow. That outflow I think is a healthy one.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Life before light
How long does it take to walk with God before we get the point. It is about daily communing with Him. He is where life flows from and light doesn't come without life.
Oh lord, have mercy on me, forgive me for idolizing light and not prioritizing fellowship with The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Tales of the tree
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Newsworthy Note
Thursday, November 18, 2004
A Generous Orthodoxy
I began reading Brian McClarens new book A Generous Orthodoxy today. The cover states: Why I am missional + evangelical+post/protestant + liberal/conservative+mystical/poetic+biblical + charismatic/contemplative+ fundamentalistic/calvinistic + anabaptist/anglican + methodist + catholic + green + incarnational + depressed-yet-hopeful + emergent + unfinished Christian.
I love that title. I speaks something I've always felt. As a believer in Christ I don't fall in one particular category, ie: baptist or fundamental or contemplative. Thinking of people in singular categories is very narrow minded thinking. In our journeys with Christ the story unfolds in many contexts and with many streams of Christian life bringing influence on our lives.
I vote for a post categorical Christianity. I fit in the
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Jesus-brand spirituality
A worshipping community of missional theologians
I like this description, not because it is cool and Dan Kimball the emerging church guru likes it. But I like it because it brings some values in my own heart clarity. more about his later.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Who let the dog out ?
Our first encounter with the habitat came with Mark. We had noticed many nice crafted one foot high ant hills as we came into the back yard and strongly cautioned one another about mistepping. Mark picked up a wood pallet and was holding it against his leg. The stings brought to his attention the hundreds of ants crawling on his legs. They had been all over this wood pallet and had transplanted themselves to Marks leg as a likely meal. Mark created a couple of new dances as he got rid of these menacing little beasts.
The next encounter was mine. I was walking in front of the house measuring the width of the yard, appreciating the coolness of a mild fall day. I approached the house next door which even though there were obviously residents there also had grass about 2 foot high. About two feet away from the next house I hear a high pitched growl that I can tell from the sound is approaching me at a high rate of speed.
I then see the meanest looking dog I have seen in a long time. His eyes are just a little crossed, one ear looks like it has been bitten or caught in the lawnmower, and he is doing a real good impression of mean, real good. I am thinking the rope will catch this dog any minute. I know all good dog owners tie their dogs up especially if they don't have a fence. But not out in the sticks where we were. I realize their is no leash, no rope, no chain and I am thinking I am about to demolished. The dog stops two feet from me. I reach down and with my hands push my leg backwards because my leg has turned against me and even though my brain is tellin it to move, it aint budging. By some intution unknown to me, but that I am very thankful for this dog does not move beyond the property line. Who needs red bull to wake you up with moments like that.
There were some wasp, large spiders, and slugs to deal with but we survived the creature house and got our jobs done.
Monday, November 08, 2004
John gave us specific signs that we might believe and by believing that we might have life. Belief is not just to say "yea that sounds right" or " I think that statement is true". It is not just a mental assent. Belief is something you put your weight into. I read recently of one of Billy Grahams explanations of belief. He was on a large stage and commented that he so believed that the stage would hold him up that he was unafraid to put his whole weight into it.
The life John speaks of is not just the breath of human life or animal life but it is a God kind of life. It is a God consciousness that can not be unless we do have this life within us. In chapter 3 of John Nicodemus comes to Jesus to talk about the kingdom of God. Jesus response is "Nick we can't even talk about those things unless you have entered into the kingdom of God" (or you have had the God life in you).
I pray for more of a God consciousness to permeate who I am and the everydays of life.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
George W.
Harvest festival to remember ?
Although I love the people of traditional churches, I wonder if our Harvest night fiasco wasn't a great picture of traditional church in America. It is supposed to be fun, with everything a good Christian would want, but inside it is losingground with the culture and not fulfilling the purpose it origionally had.
Well anyway, a couple of times bowling for candy and then getting to eat a huge cotton candy salvaged the night. I also appreciated some of the people of the community as they dressed up as various Bible characters and went around dialoguing with the kids. I could tell they really had a heart for the kids.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Coming up for air
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
:: The Lord is good and a stronghold
Paul being a scholar of his time knew well the story of Nahum and how Ninevah was thought of as a great stronghold in it's time. The walls of Ninevah were 100 feet high and three chariots width wide. The towers went up another 100 feet. The water around the city was 50 yards wide and 60 feet deep. It was said that Ninevah could withstand a 20 year seige.
Yet when Nahum prophecies against Ninevah, He proclaims that the Lord can take down their stronghold like taking ripe fruit from a tree. Historically we know that the Babylonians were able to penetrate the stronghold because of a great flood that caused the walls to have a breach. The Babylonians wiped out the Assyrians in Ninevah and the capital city.
This is the power of God to tear down the strongest weaknesses in our lives. There is hope for us as we think of Gods power over Ninevah.
:: Little graces
This is a trying season for me and my family. There are many financial stresses that we are up against. Yet in all the discouraging things that have happened, I keep finding small graces all along the way.
There was the man who approached the kids and me one hot day while we were mowing a lawn with an ice cold glass of water for each of us. There was the man who stopped and helped me fix the trailer one day when the strut broke in busy traffic.
We found a lawn mower left at a house that vibrated just when we needed another lawn mower on a big job. We were able to change a bent blade and it worked fine for a bit. It lasted for most of that job and then died. It just happened to be the almost exact model of mower I have and I can use parts off of it on my main mower.
Down to one vehicle because my car died, I was able to use Chris and Kristi's truck while they were on vacation and I didn't lose any work.
My aunt had a Ford Ranger pickup she was trying to sell at a price lower than blue book. We were able to get a loan and buy it for a second vehicle.
Friends and family have helped us buy the kids school clothes and supplies. The little graces of God encouraging us to persevere through trying times have done just that.
How does anyone make it through the tough times without an Incredible Father that helps them and encourages them? Thank you father for your little graces.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
:: Mercy is falling
This is a recent prophetic expression given at Trinity church in Lubbock, Texas. I think it speaks to many of God's sons and daughters today.
My children, I speak to you tonight as your Father. You sang, you said have mercy on me. You cannot even begin to understand how much mercy I do have. I want to speak specifically to some of you here tonight, you have in your past a great sin, something that troubles you and you are ashamed of it and you hide it and somehow you cannot let go of it. You cannot believe that it can be forgiven, but in my mercy I have forgiven you a long time ago and yet you allow the devil to remind you of it, you let the devil bring up to you what you have done and you hide it, and sometimes you question whether you are even saved or not. But in my mercy I have forgiven you, I have cleansed you. It is gone. I do not think about it, I just look at you and love you with compassion and I wonder why will you not move on. Why will you not believe and let go of that which I have already cleansed and taken out of your life?
You need to believe what I have said. I have forgiven you, I have cleansed you and now you need to let that go. My mercy is tremendous and I will speak to some of you that you have a sense of shame because you try and try in yourselves and you fail and you fail and you just feel so guilty and so frustrated that the enemy is just doing all those things to you, but to you I will say, I have not left you without power or ability. Did I not say in my Word and is it not true that I live within you. Is there anything that I cannot do? The reason that you fail is because you try and leave me out in what you are doing for me. I have never asked you to do anything for me. What I have asked you to do is to allow me to work through you, allow me to work with you. Work with me.
I would use this as an illustration to you. You are trying to mow an acre of grass with a push lawnmower and right beside you is a tractor that you can drive and do it. The tractor that is within you is the Holy Spirit and I have had mercy in every failure. I have forgiven you, I have cleansed you and I will say to you forget the past, forget the failures, you need to begin to believe for the Greater One in you will enable you. You need to begin to expect to do the things you have been failing to do. If you will trust me, if you will yield to me, and allow my power to flow through you, then you will have success. I am a merciful God, but once mercy is done, I then cover you with love and compassion. I have a plan and desire a goal for each of your lives, your age has nothing to do with it, if you will just trust me and receive my love. So many times you sing and you talk about loving me, but you do not receive my love because you do not believe that you are worthy, that I could love you for any others, that I love you. My love is waiting for you to receive it and walk in all that I have for you.
Monday, August 09, 2004
:: A week of weeks
Of course there are other thoughts running through my head also, like scrap this living by faith deal and get a real job or that voice that says see how God treats you why would you still live for Him? Those are a few of the various and unsundry thoughts pelting my brain. I realize that these thoughts are ones that I have to say no to. I'm hoping there is a rhyme or reason to this week and the past month which emotionally have been excruciating.
Well to give the week an exciting finale, Friday my car just quits. I'm driving down the road and it gives up the ghost. I can hear the suspenseful music in my head that sounds a lot like the theme from Jaws. I'm thinking okay I've got a fuel pump that went out or alternator. My local mechanic gives me the news. Mr. Alvis your engine is done in. The heads are bent. I hear the cymbals crash. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry or run away in the night to Alaska. I guess this is a great opportunity to see what God will
Sunday, July 25, 2004
:: Definitions
Life is so stinkin busy these days. I am working a job that is taking me 60 hrs a week. Somewhere in the middle of all that I am trying to be involved in a church plant. Lately it has been survival mode. Survival mode is when life is spinning a little too fast to keep balanced emotionally, physically, spiritually, and socially. There are days in here I feel like the old Randy Stonehill song "Stop the world I wanna get off".
I am sure God is up to something in all this. For the life of me I haven't got it figured out though.
I better stop this is getting too much like a rambling rant. Later.
Monday, July 19, 2004
:: The Wedding
Going into the wedding I kept praying that it would not be just a wedding but a time of giving glory to God. For me I can tell when the Lord intervenes strongly in a place and this was just such a time for me. I'm not saying all was perfect, but there was such a peace about the whole ceremony. Thanks Lord for your hand upon all of us this weekend.
I decided to begin a photoblog this week also. You can find it at:
Friday, July 09, 2004
:: The ultimate bloggers resource
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
:: Vintage wisdom
:: Prayer a necessity
Three quotes are significant to me.
"Our work is just that, but prayer releases God's work"
"When we pray He (God) breathes upon us. Prayer is to inhale the breath of God. Evangelism is exhaling what we inhale in prayer."
The last is a story about Paul Cho (pastor of the worlds largest church). He said God spoke to him in prayer and asked "How many quail would Israel have caught if they had gone quail hunting in the wilderness?" Not too many. I then realized that God sent the wind which brought the quail. There is a difference in chasing a strategy and in finding the Holy Spirits strategy.
Sunday, July 04, 2004
:: Gotta have a dog

Friday, July 02, 2004
:: Sunday night
We broke up into groups. Each group did a skit that illustrated a verse on prayer in Phillipians. The shark hunting protection skit was funny.
We then spent time in worship and ended joined in a circle of prayer. It was a good God night connecting with our community.
:: Working, working, working
I trust the Lord is working in all this. I am learning to trust by faith in what God brings with the job. I am working for a company that contracts out to mortgage companies cleaning up and checking on houses that are in delinquency, bankruptcy, or foreclosure. I get paid to check on statuses and then at times clean up the properties so they meet HUD standards for resell.
I miss being more regular on the blog and will try to get back to that discipline.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
:: Take a moment to pray
As I have been studying prayer I came across this flash site with the Lords prayer on it. Take a few minutes to view it and to pray.
:: Classic win

For at least a week the purity of basketball in the nba has been restored. Detroit Pistons are winners of this years nba finals. The team with two superstars, the Lakers, didn't win and the team that played great fundamental basketball did.
The Pistons defined again what it means to play like a team in pro basketball. This was team in the purist sense of the word. The great teams are what make up great basketball. The Pistons played swarming team defense. They covered their men, helped out on the superstars, and outhustled the lakers. You have to give props to Larry Brown the coach of the Pistons for their success. He had definitely done his homework and had his team play hard and together.
It was a joy again to actually watch real basketball being played. I may still watch a few nba games in coming years.
Saturday, June 12, 2004
:: A financial story
:: Brokeness the lost art
Friday, June 11, 2004
:: Leaving a Legacy

I have been moved this week at the honoring of the passing of president Ronald Reagan. Remembering his life at his death has made me proud of being an American and what it stands for. I appreciated president George Bush's speech at the funeral. Reagan was a picture of many character traits that are instilled in me that make up an ideal American.
Reagan was a respecter of all people whether janitor or head of state. It was said that he never spoke down to anyone.
Reagan was a man of graciousness. He rose in a ladies presence. He obviously cared about people and treated them with respect. He reminded me of my own grandfather Herman Franklin who was a man's man yet had a profound kindness toward others.
Ronald Reagan was a man of principle. He spoke passionately upon what he believed in and tried to follow through in action. One example I heard this week was how in the hospital room when he had been shot by an assassin, Reagan prayed for the person who shot him before he prayed for himself.
Reagan was a deeply committed Christian. It was moving to hear his son Michael talk of his dad speaking of his faith to his son in 1988 and passing it along to his son. He said he hoped one day he could pass that faith on to his own son.
Reagan was an optimist, he saw the good in life and in people and especially in our country. His daughter told the story of being a little girl and Reagan taking her to a field that had been badly burned. He showed her the small green shoots of new life breaking through the charred ground and told her that their was always new life that would come forth after bad things.
There is honor in the life of Ronald Reagan. There is something right about all of us getting to be involved in that honor.
I understand that honor comes from Reagan's personal faith in Jesus Christ. It was our Lord that gave gifts to President Reagan and enabled him to be able to share those gifts with us.
No, I'm not idolizing a man. I'm sure Ronald Reagan had his short comings as all of us do. But I hope and pray that my life becomes a gift to others as Ronald Regean's was a gift to ours.
Tonight I salute the memory of Ronald Reagan and how he walked out his life with Christ to give others a hope in that faith.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
:: Update on blogging
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
:: This week
Interesting to in Matthew where Jesus says "If I caste out demons by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is among you." This is also why Jesus taught the disciples to pray "Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
I am also in dialogue with others about the definition of the church (ekklasia) and how that is different from the kingdom of God. There is so much to know about the Lord and what He is all about.
Monday, May 24, 2004
:: Who am I ?
This past week I had a day that wasn't going well and I kept thinking " How come I can't be perfect? What is wrong with me? I must be a wicked man because I can't be perfect." I began to really get down on myself and I heard in my heart that calming voice of God say "Let me tell you who you are, you are a lover of God and one that is loved by God."
You know that really is my heart. I love God and enjoy loving God and I am realizing more than ever the truth that I am someone that is loved by God. This latter truth has just began to sink in some over the last three years. I am about ankle deep in the truth that God so loved me, that He sent His son to die on the cross that I might be reconciled to Him. He really loves me and enjoys spending time with me. I look forward to the deepening of that truth.
Yea in my heart I'm a blogger but more importantly for me "I am a lover of God and am someone who is loved by God." Man, that truth sure brings me peace.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
:: Sunday night
I think there was a totally different picture going on there. Martha wasn't being scolded, she was being encouraged by the Lord. Jesus was giving her some training in a loving manner. His statement was more like "Martha this is a really important lesson, No I'm serious it is one of the most important lessons, Mary has chosen the wisest thing to sit at my feet and hear my word."
We talked about how Jesus doesn't deal harshly with our immaturities. Can you imagine a mother that did not enjoy her three year old, even though that three year old has many immaturities and needs training and correction? No that mother enjoys that child even though the immaturities are there. This is Jesus stance towards us and this was His stance with Martha. "Martha I love you, that is why I am trying to get you to see the importance of beholding Me."
We also talked about how beholding is the key to becoming. As we behold Jesus in the truth of who He is we become like Him.
The Lord loves us even in our weaknesses. This is a truth I am only about ankle deep in. I desire to get waist deep in it. I pray that our community will embrace that He is the lover of us even in our weaknesses.
Monday, May 17, 2004
:: 40 year anniversary
I still am honored to have been a part of Trinity's heritage and history. Even though I don't consider myself extremely talented in any area, the Lord allowed me to pastor at Trinity. I can remember being 28 years old and being awed at Trinity church, the size, the spirituality. Yet the Lord spoke to my heart and told me one day I would be on staff there, impossible I thought, but if God wills it let it be.
I am not lifting up a church or an institution. What strikes me most is that I have been at Trinity in times of extreme favor when it was blowing and growing and I have been at Trinity in some very rough waters, ie. Church split, layoffs of friends, etc. and in all those times both good and bad the Lord continued to grow me and teach me and encourage me with His presence. My heritage there is clear, it is about God working in me to will and to do what He delights in.
I was reminded that the kingdom of God is alive and well where peoples hearts are directed towards Him. There are so many people who have left Trinity and are in all manner of ministries across the world. Regardless of style, regardless of human immaturities, God works in those whose hearts are turned toward Him.
On a final note as I reflect on the emerging church my heart turns more and more to loving those things that are near and dear to the Lords heart. I think Gods children both old school and new school, both meeting in buildings and meeting at homes, both with solid structures, immature structures, or little to no structures are loved by Him and He looks to bless those whose hearts are turned towards Him. I pray I continue to love those things and people that are near and dear to His heart.
Monday, May 10, 2004
:: New look
This Sunday night Chris changed all the worship song sets to include us and we where normally there would be me and I. I think this is an appropriate biblical shift. Community is key.
Justin and Kelly, from Mars Hill, came over and shared about their excursion to Russia recently and the passion of their hearts for kids in ophanages there. It was a good time of food, fellowship, and the presence of God. Can I say presence of God on an emerging blog? The emerging movement (already passe) need a book like Roberts Rules of Order. We could call it the Pomo Flow of Chaos.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
:: Sunday night
One interesting verse tells the man who stole to steal no more. Not only that, but he was to go to the opposite end of the spectrum, work, and give away. We talked a bit about pursuing the other side of our weaknesses. If lust is weakness then pursue purity. If rage and wrath are a weakness pursue passionately quietness and peace. In our weakness He will be strong.
:: Last week in April: Fuel
:: Stop the world I want to get off
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
:: We wrestle
6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
A spiritual battle going on in the earth for the souls and spirits of men is the metanarrative. As in the matrix, where Neo has to make a choice to make, we have to choose what reality he will live in. We can ignore the reality of the matrix and pretend there are really no angels and demons. We can ignore that the loving God is on the throne of the universe and pursuing us or we can continue to live an untruth. if you believe Paul's words are inspired words of the Holy Spirit, then the reality of a spiritual fight going on around us is true.
This past weeks has been evidence of that in the lives of people from Resonance. There is a dual spiritual dynamic happening. On the one side we have had two people get raises at their jobs in two weeks. That is an important answer to prayer for people who have left comfortable places, transplanted to a new city and struggle to make all the ends meet. Chris has landed a job at Java House, the only coffee shop in the Colony. We believe this is a strategic answer to prayer to help us connect more with the community of the Colony. We have sensed God's encouraging presence in our times together. So on the one hand God is blessing our community of called out ones.
The other side of the coin is spiritual attack that has been happening. Last Sunday night it seemed there was no area left untouched by difficulty. The set-up took too much time, the video on the computer wouldn't run, and when it finally did it wasn't smooth, the air-conditioner wasn't working well and it was hot, one of the musicians who had joined us had his car breakdown, our sign was messed up by the wind, etc. And then there is Gracelyns fall one night against a cabinet that left a blood clot in her cheek. She has been to the doctor twice and going again Friday. Now you could say that was just coincidence, but I don't think so. And that makes me mad. When I get in a fight I'm cool in backing down, but when you start messing with the kids I love, yea that makes me mad.
Now I am not one to see a dark angel under every bush and as an excuse for any mishap and immaturity of people, but I do recognize that the enemy does not want added prayer, added worship, added missionaries, or added servant-hearted people in any of the territories he has a grip on and therefore will fight those things. Much like an invading army force, the occupying force doesn't want to lose ground.
So my conclusion of this post is that prayer is vital. Prayer changes the direction of angels in this spritual matrix. Prayer draws us to God's heart on these matters. And prayer releases power from the very throne of God. There is a battle going on. If we are serious about this walk of the spirit, then we have to be aware that there is battle to do and one of the weapons for us in this battle is prayer. So get your programmer (the Holy Spirit) to download a prayer program.
Friday, April 16, 2004
:: Fuel - Dreaming dreams
God whispers dreams into the hearts of his people. Last night at Fuel we talked about dreams that had been fulfilled in our lives and some dreams God has whispered into our hearts for the future. Dreams such as marriage or having a stable family life were spoken off. One dream was just being stable enough to be able to choose clothes to buy some day.
One story told was of being in a dysfunctional family where the father one day in a altered state threw away everything in the bathroom: hair dryers, make-up, everything that was there. This stuff was later dug out of a grimey nasty dumpster. The humiliation of the event could still be felt. As this person went to church that day, a lady who was a visiting minister called this person aside and said something to the effect of "The Lord wants you to know that your children will not live as you have lived, you are the last generation that will be in this chaos. Your children will have no clue what you had to experience as a child, they will not understand because their environment is so different." A fulfillment of a dream.
For me, I always dreamed of going to Ireland because the man who was preaching when I committed my life to Christ was an evangelist visiting America from Ireland. In 2002 I was invited to join a team of people who went to work for a week with a local church in Eniscorthy Ireland. I also was able to preach in the church on a Sunday morning and thank the Irish people for their sending someone to reach me.
I was reminded this week to continue to listen to the dreams of God that are in my heart.
:: The Celtic Way
Hunter says that churches in America have a Roman model of communicating the gospel. They basically present the message, ask for a decision, and then bring people into community. The Celtic model is creating community with people, then using the community time to find opportunities for ministry and conversation, with this drawing people toward a point of belief and commitment. It is a much more relational model of the Christians calling. Hunter says this reflects the adage that Christianity is more caught than taught where as our models of church today focus more on the taught.
How do we become the light on the hill where people can connect before they commit?
Thursday, April 15, 2004
:: Reality of angels and demons
I was thinking of Jesus conversation with Nathaniel in John gospel. Nathaniel is amazed that Jesus knew things about him that were not physically possible. Jesus reply to Nathaniel was that he would see even greater things than this. He would see the angels ascending and descending upon Jesus. Jesus had that deeper sense of reality. He knew all around us their are real angles that are sent here to the earth to be about God's business, to help prayers get fulfilled, to help in the work of the church being the extenders of God's kingdom here. There is also the reality of evil beings the bible refers to as demons. Paul tells us we wrestle with these evil beings.
Another encounter I had this week makes this conversation more pertinent to me. I woke up from a dream Tuesday night and had a powerful sense of fear upon me. It wouldn't leave. I am not someone who encounters fear often in my own life in that way. I am convinced this was an attack from within this spiritual matrix we live in.
I am reminded this week. Prayer is not just a duty like taking out the trash that has to be done. It is a real spiritual communication with our Father that influences spiritual forces around us. I encourage all of us to press in to prayer like lives depend on it. They do.
:: Spiritual Travel
It is a bit ironic to me that I couldn't wait to get a car and get my freedom to go and do and then I chose to drive round and round in circles on Friday and Saturday nights at the local drag. Okay, you got me, I am a small town guy. We played six man football in high school. We were so small that we had football players take off their shoulder pads at half time and march in the band (I'm serious).
Having a car released you into a new world of adventure. The journey of life took on new meaning. The adventure quotient multiplied as did learning boundaries. In a way the early church was like that. They were waiting for something new to happen in Jerusalem. Jesus had told them to stay there and pray until they had a supernatural splash from heaven. In Acts 2 we see the creation of a vehicle called the church. Jesus was no longer there to partner with them in bringing the kingdom of God forth on the earth. Now God sends another helper, the Holy Spirit, to partner with them.
Some of the characteristics of this new instrument of the Christian journey called the church were: It was a community fueled by the Holy Spirit, It was a community centered in learning the Word, It was a community encouraged by fellowship, It was a community that communicated with God, and it was a community that was living evidence of the kingdom to the rest of the world.
We travel this Christian journey in this life riding in the vehicle of the church. Just as with a new car we better understand the equipment this new car has so that the journey can be a good one.
Monday, April 12, 2004
:: History of the weblog
Friday, April 09, 2004
:: The chief cornerstone
4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, "Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame."
Last night a FUEL we continued studying 1 Peter. We began the night with a meal together. We then broke up in gender groups. The ladies went in one room and we stayed in another. The chief cornerstone is the anchor point of a foundation. It is dependable. It is trustworrthy. It is stable. This is the Lord Jesus. He does not waver at all and can be depended on to keep the structure dependable. We as living stones are built around the cornerstone. It was a good reminder tonight that Christ is our solid foundation. We don't have to carry the universe on our backs or even our own church. Jesus will build His church. . .
The simile for us in this passage is that we are like living stones. As living stones we can not be a building alone, we need the other stones working in conjunction with us to make up the spiritual house.
We talked also of our value to God.
We are:
a chosen generation
a spiritual house
a royal priesthood
a holy nation
a holy priesthood
His own special people
the people of God
We closed in prayer for one another and for God to give us favor in the Colony. Some scriptures that came up during prayer were Psalms 20, Psalm 37, Ephesians 2.
:: What was I thinking?
My calves got a good workout. My legs had that great burnnig screaming at you sensation. I am at home now trying to find the energy to get out of this chair. You know the weird thing. I may do it again this week.
:: Adventures in real life: The Mountain Lion
We walked half a mile and hit a fence row. This was a natural point to go back. I was explaining something to the kids, I turned to head back the way we had come and there is a mountain lion about 10 yards behind us. And he was looking right at us. Now, I don't know about you, but having a mountain lion in your path looking right at you 10 yards away doesn't give you the most secure feeling in the world. I kept telling my brain to be cool and think and of course lifted up one of those great theological prayers I've learned in all my years as a Christian. It went something like "Help, God!".
I told the kids just to be still and I reached over to break a branch I could use as a big stick. When the branch broke the Mountain Lion jumped and took off about 20 yards off the beaten trial. With my trusty stick in hand I had the kids take off down the trail as I kept myself between them and the Moutain Lion. The cool part of this story is I had my 35 mm carmera with me and got two shots of this cat. I can't wait to develop them.
Needless to say the kids will remember this adventure as will I. I think living for Christ is like this. You encounter situations in life that are new and you are not sure how to navigate them. I think "Help me, God" may be a wise prayer to pray in many of those.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
:: pomo translations
"My hope [acknowledging mystery/rejecting secular rationalism]
is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness. . .[historically narrational over propositional]
I dare not trust the sweetest frame [suspicion of construct/text/logic systems]
but wholly [holistically interconnected, rejection of gnostic dualism, systemic thinking] lean [experientially] on Jesus name. [authority source transcending visible human institutions]
On Christ the solid rock I stand [post-foundationalist]
All other ground is sinking sand [deconstructionalist]
All other ground is sinking sand." [value judgment based on communal experience of screwing up our lives when we place our trust in secondary sources and not primary]
Monday, April 05, 2004
:: Respect for consistant bloggers
Blogging is an amazing phenomena. It grows daily with new people entering the blogosphere. With each new entry comes a bit more inovation. I am going to try to get back to being a blog resident not a blog alien.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
:: True blooded bloggers will appreciate this
My new Typepad site, though more expensive, looked nice and I could post a picture of my ugly mug in the upper left-hand corner. I had tons of new features and posting was easier, but still, I have not achieved Volokh or Crescat fame, and it hurts!! Oh the pain!! Like a scorned lover I long for trackbacks, comments, and online debates, but I cannot beg. I now obsess over blogging etiquette and actually perk up when someone mentions a personal website in conversation over dinner. I use words like "Technorati" and "blog roll" (which is actually two words). The problem has only worsened, and now, like Walker Percy's Schuyler (before his marriage to Jane Smith--a note for all you Percy fans) I am outwardly confident but inwardly homeless, wandering sadly the confines of the blogosphere. My record of an active lifestyle has been crushed by the lure of e-fame.
And then, to add insult to injury, my school finally put in a Starbucks. This was the death blow! I now spend more on delectable vanilla cremes than I do on textbooks, and my car insurance premium is dwarfed by my caramel machiato tab. I have become addicted to the rich aroma of my breakfast blend and am no longer Stoicly satisified with the stale taste of Waffle House coffee that was my staple for three years. Though Starbucks satisfies me, it leaves me hungry for its heavenly satisfaction and like a junkie strapped for cash I now linger about the Starbucks stand fantasizing about my next post and the energy I might glean from another cup of rich espresso.
Monday, March 29, 2004
:: A postmodern seder
I spent some time talking about the various symbols of the seder dinner and some background of it from Exodus 12. We then moved into a time of remembrance at our worship spaces.
The creative space was where the unleavened bread was and the apples mixture. We wrote a letter to God there as we remembered the bondage of the Israelites and the bondage of our own sin before we came to Christ. We also remembered the hope we have in God coming as a deliverer in our lives. The offering station encouraged us to remember all the blessings God has given us. We remembered how God has freed us, delivered us, released us, and redeemed us as He did the children of Israel. The divine reading station was a reflection from Exodus 12 and from 1 Corinthians talking of Christ our sacrifice. The contemplative space had the bitter herbs and salt water, the parsley, and the juice to remember the tears of the children of Israel and then our own tears as we were in bondage to sin. At our prayer space we had time to pray for the deliverance of our own community, the Colony.
Then we came back to the community space and continued in worship. It was a night of God's visitation. I have not sensed the presence of the Spirit as strongly in a time. As I got back home God's presence was still lingering and when I woke this morning, again, the sense of His presence. It is good to remember, but not only to remember but to connect with Christ, our Passover.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
:: Sacred and quiet space
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
:: Sunday night: the first official Encounter service
We then went to the topic of the night which was stories. We invited people to share stories that involved their journey with Jesus. Daniel shared a story of going to a drug deal and meeting an old friend who he hadn't seen in years and years and a few months later she invited him to Hope Chapel where God encountered him. What are the chances of going to a drug deal and meeting an old friend who is going to invite you to church soon. We looked at the scripture in John 21 where John says is all the miracles of what Jesus had said and one were written they would fill all the books of the world. We talked about how this community is about telling His (Jesus Christ) story and telling how our lives are connected with His story.
We ended in praying for people. Abigail Branch came over to support us. We prayed for her and the Greenhouse, a church plant in Ft. Worth. Justin and Brandi Blake came over and we praying for God's encouragement on their new marriage. We had prayed that God would use us to encourage others and minister to them. This first time of large community gathering did that. Our prayer is that there will be a continued flow of people we can serve that God will direct us to.
:: Sunday day
Since our service is on Sunday night we decide that we will play basketball Sunday morning. Shane, Mark, myself, Chris, and a new friend of Chris' from the apartment complex, Jason go at it on this eight foot goal. We were a site. Shane dunks about the second play and rips the skin off three of his fingers. We looked like the walking wounded after about 12 games of 21. We did get to meet Tony who was out playing on another court. We continue to pray God connects us with people in the Colony.
:: Saturday
:: Last week: Friday (joint habitat)
As part of our EXCHANGE weekend we had a combined meeting with Mars Hill at their Friday night Habitat. Habitat is a time when Mars Hill usually is discussing a book or topic. This night, Chris, Mark, Shane, Kelly, and Justin did some music and worship then Shane shared out of the gospel of John. Our conversation was about the glory of God and more specifically about How God gave it to Jesus and Jesus said he would give it to us. My friend Justin Nygren and his wife Kelly shepherd this group.
Afterwards a few of us went out and watched some of the NCAA tourney. We go to a local sports bar that has been recommended to us.
As we are sitting watching the game two very inebriated ladies sit down at our table across from Chris and I and begin a conversation. They find out that we are polite, but not acting like we are interested at all and not drinking anything buy tea and water and excuse themselves. I had really strong mixed feelings about this exchange. As the ladies were leaving one lady puts her hand on my head and says something in parting and it makes me really angry. That anger just built as I left. I was really offended that this lady, who must have seen my ring and known I am married is flirting with me. I had to really pursue this with the Lord because it didn't feel very Christlike to me to be that angry. I was wishing I would have had a woman at the well type of dialogue with this woman. As I prayed through it I understood more that these ladies were in great pain and were looking for love in all the wrong places. I pray that the Lord will speak encouragement to them and draw them to Him.
This story I think will bring some very interesting discussion in our small group.
:: Last week: Thursday
Thursday night my friend Shane Kuhn from Lubbock Texas joined us and facilitated a dialogue about faith from Hebrews 11. The main thread of the conversation was that God establishes markers in our lives and the lives of others that help encourage our faith. We need to remember these faith events in our lives to strengthen us to have faith in our current situations. We had our usual meal and worship also.
Chris came up with a funny analogy at our meal about the three guys that are in his head. He said there was a fast guy that retrieves information. So let's say when a person named George walks up, fast guy runs to the files and brings back the info. that this is George. Then there is the smart guy who knows how to be cool and make good conversation. Finally there is the dumb guy. Sometimes when fast guy and smart guy are on break, he gets to take over. In this case let's say George is walking up and fast guy in not there to retrieve information and smart guy isn't there to act cool. You end up saying something that may be a cross of information like Hi-Ow your doing? This is a cross between Hi and How are you doing which the dumb guy couldn't decide on. This analogy seemed to be used all weekend.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Monday, March 15, 2004
:: God is not respecter of culture
I am amazed at how you can find the presence of the living God among so many diverse cultures of people. This morning I remembered being in Victoria, Mexico, worshiping with the saints there, and experiencing the presence of the almighty God, I remembered being in Ireland amidst Irish folk and Nigerian immigrants and knowing that same presence of God, and this morning here we are in Hillsboro in east Texas and the presence of God is here. In my life I've worshiped with the most country people you can think of, those that make chicken fried steak that melts in your mouth. I've worshiped with the most postmodern group you can think of where it was pitch dark except for candles all about the floor. I have found an amazing thing, God is no respecter of cultures, no respecter of status. Where there are people who open their hearts toward him, even in all their immaturities He shows up to fellowship with them.
These folks in Hillsboro reminded me of the small towns in Texas where I grew up. They were polite, friendly, and warm. Best of all though they loved to worship. The room that held about 100 was full. It was not only full of people, it was full of people who came to meet with God. And that was the worship song that began our time with the Lord, "I'm here to meet with you" written by By the Tree. You got the feeling that these people were not at an event but were at a family gathering. One of the most noticeable aspects of this is that 20 minutes after the service there were still people hanging out and talking with one another.
I spoke on the path of our calling. The gist of what I was saying is that our calling is not a discovery event but a journey of obedience. It is an adventurous journey. There are enemies along the way (Satan and his minions) that try to thwart our true journey. I tried to encourage people that on both Moses and Peters journey their were lessons that led them to grow in humility. Numbers 12:3 says that Moses was the most humble man. And in 1 Peter 5 Peter challenges us to be "clothed in humility". Those that God uses are those that are willing to walk humbly with their God, that means learning to lay down self effort. It is interesting that in his self effort Moses couldn't even handle one Egyptian without making a mess of things, but God in the right timing was able to wipe out the whole Egyptian army without any glitches.
One final note of God's faithfulness, we have been praying for a video projector. We believe it is important for creating an environment where people, especially this generation, can experience God. We didn't have funds for that. The folks at Hillsboro took up an offering at the end of their service and gave us $1000 to buy a projector. This was a generous gift.
Friday, March 12, 2004
:: 2nd March Fuel
After dinner we jumped into 1 Peter, we began by sharing about various times of trial we had gone through. There was so much shared, I felt like we could have gone on for hours, yet in respect of time and people getting up the next day to go to work we wound down by 10:00.
Trials we talked about were hard church situations, relationships with people, death to those close to us, times of transition that were hard, etc.
In times like these we are reminded by Peter to set our minds on the living hope we have in Christ. We truly are strangers on this planet, awaiting fulfillment of a greater hope. We have tasted of grace here, we have tasted our inheritance as children of God, but the future holds a glorious fulfillment of our salvation and all it contains.
We began dialoging about our small gathering that could quickly be too big to be a small gathering. We value small groups of people gathering for the fellowship, the availability to get to know one another, the opportunity for spiritual gifts to be expressed. It is the fiber true community is built out of. We talked about not having rigid guidelines such as: when a group hits 12 people they have to split. On the other side of things we talked about how we needed structure to function. In the end we committed to keeping a listening ear to the Lord on these matters and ask what seems best to Him for the situation.
For our own core group the discussion went two ways. There was concern that the core team would lose continuity if we opened our small gathering to others. The concern the other way was that if we didn't open this group that new people wouldn't be as easily intertwined within the community. There was some consensus that as the small gathering grows we may need to have the core team to branch out and be facilitators at other small gatherings and that our core team would maybe meet together on a monthly basis rather than weekly.
This might seem trivial to someone reading this. You might think "Hey have you looked at the local Christian bookstore, there are hundreds of books on small groups, find a method and go with it." For us this is not trivial though. This is the journey we are on, not the journey others are on. That doesn't mean we are foolish enough not to consider the wisdom or lessons others have learned, but it does mean we want to allow our journey to unfold. We want to be on the journey together and these matters are important. They are important not just for the particular method we find to have small gatherings (small groups) but the process is important for the community of faith we are in. The process is about us being community and sharing our lives with one another. It is about the gifts of creativity coming out of people and allowing people to have input and value in the conversation. As I think about it more, this is a community conversation. Certainly we are seeking God's will as our ultimate end, but the case I would make is that God's will is found in the community of faith more than individuals seeking God on an individual level. I believe the voice of God speaks to us not for our individual gain. The voice of God has inherent in it a building up of the saints. So when the Lord speaks to you, it is for the benefit of the kingdom of God and the community of God. I can see this could quickly become a paper rather than a post so I'll stop here for now.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
:: Trading spaces
I am excited to see how this methodology develops. We understand that the ancient truths of Scripture found in relationship with Christ are the same yesterday, today, and for all times but the containers that communicate those truths change. We want to experiment with those containers.
Monday, March 08, 2004
:: Passion bloopers on script
Christ, shackled to a stone, is being scourged by Roman soldiers. Blood runs down his gory back. His pain is palpable.
Jesus: [writhes in pain, hands shaking]
[Cell phone rings.]
Jesus: [hands shake furiously]
[Cell phone rings. Caviezel looks up, sheepish.]
Roman soldier: Jim? That you?
Jesus: Yeah.
[Cell phone rings.]
Soldier: Want me to get it?
Jesus: Yeah.
[Roman soldier gingerly reaches into Caviezel’s blood-soaked loincloth, pulls out phone and opens it, then holds the phone to Caviezel’s ear.]
Off Camera: [laughter]
Jesus: Hey, Mom.
via: tallskinnykiwi
:: The Art of Not Getting Embarrased at a Baptist Church
- Don't drink the coffee, it comes from a large steel device from the early 20th Century called an "Urn" Go for the tea instead.
I'm thinking I could probably come up with an as equally funny set of ideas for not getting embarresed at a Charismatic church or an emerging church or . . .
:: The Passion of The Christ: an Christian artist vs an Agnostic writer
Saturday, March 06, 2004
:: Blogging to Utopia
Here is the lead. very interesting
When the people at Pyra Labs developed a Web tool in 1999 that allowed the user to create, from any Net connection, a page that could include links, graphics, and text, the news was overshadowed by seemingly bigger Web stories: notably, Napster and the monstrously hyped idea of WebTV. Napster is history. And when was the last time someone enthused about WebTV? But blogs have entered the mainstream big time.
Friday, March 05, 2004
:: A Chernobyl Ride
:: First Fuel in March
Tonight, we discussed our value of having the word of God as a foundation of our community. It is the centering piece in our community. Humanity is frail and we can't lean on it. But God's word is not frail, throughout history God's word has given strength and focus to followers of Christ. We recognize that strength is beyond an intellectual understanding of the Word's contents. There is something of the grace of God being given as we humbly read his word. And as someone mentioned last night, it's not so much we read and interact with the word as it is the word read's and interacts with us. We don't want to wander away from who God is calling us to be. We want to be the story that God is telling to our city. We believe the word's centrality will lend to that.
The other side of this coin to us is being open to the directing of God through the Holy Spirit. Without the Word's foundation we could drift into a fanatical emotionalism as we are open to direction through the Holy Spirit and we don't want emotionalism. We do want though to be hearers of God's voice. We realize we are strangers and aliens here on the planet. We are people of the kingdom and want to march to the beat of the kingdoms drums.
This was altogether a good night, a setting of foundations night. The journey is unfolding.
:: Emerging Church Insight
A portion from Todd
I see a deconstructive reaction in the alternative church landscape to the work of the Holy Spirit. Having spent a great deal of time around classical Pentecostals, Charismatics and Third-Wavers, I can see why. But again, we are forced to ask if we are throwing out too much baby with the water. I have to come to see that the contemporary church must come to grip with issues of power and authority: who has it, how it is shared, how it is exercised with integrity, ethics and holiness. “Jesus is the head of the church” could be marked “True” on any theological pop-quiz. The same is true for “The Holy Spirit is the continuing presence of Christ in the church”. We move from theological lip service to action by actually repenting for grieving the Holy Spirit. Remember, he can be grieved as easily by being ignored as by bizarre behaviors. Then we invite Him into our communities of faith, we prayerfully listen with the intent of developing a conversational relationship with God—like the ones people had in the Bible. Last we take appropriate risks, in faith, that like a child learning to walk or speak, God will be with us to train and encourage us. Experiential religion is the Biblical norm and the only kind of religion that will fly in post-modernity.
A portion from Andrew
This is the area where the values of emerging culture are most accurately depicted. It does not do much good to read Christian apologists from the 90's summarizing French philosophers from the 70's who were trying to explain the surrealist painters from the 20's. That is not the most direct route to understand us, and can actually be quite misleading. Check out the new media instead. In the 1990's, I suggested churches look at the postmodern subcultures and the rave scene to find emerging values and dynamics. But now i say new media. Take a look at the renaissance of writing that is happening in our current world of post-post-literacy. Christian bloggers (theoblogians) are a part of this movement. Charlie Wear's blog is a good place to start.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
:: The Passion of Christ: a view from the arts
Monday, March 01, 2004
:: the Passion
A group of us went to see the passion of Christ last night. I had a variety of expectations from reading internet articles, seeing Mel Gibsons interview with Diane Sawyer and hearing personal experiences of the movie. I'll have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the result.
For me the movie met my expectations and went beyond. I was moved by the artistry of the script and filming. I thought characters fit their roles well. Mary the mother, Mary Magdalene, John, Peter, Judas, Pilate, Simon the Cyrenian, Satan, and Jesus all fit the part well.
For me this movie wasn't an experience of evaluation it was an experience of expanding my own heart in knowing about my Lord. Stories from the bible came to life for me. Color was added to what seemed like black and white words. I have a much better understanding of how all the events of that last day transpired and were woven together.
I was moved to tears as Mary flashes back to a scene of her running to help the boy Yeshua who has fallen and from that gets the courage to run to Jesus and tell him she was there by him. My heart was stirred by Simon the Cyrenian who unwillingly gets nominated to help Jesus carry the cross and on the short journey is impacted. I wondered if I am willing to help Jesus carry his cross in the world today?
I was touched deeply by the Passion of Christ. I pray God will continue to draw my own mind from the many distractions of living in this world and to the world where the mystery of God has been shown in the Son of God being willing to suffer incredible humiliation, pain and worst of all separation from his own Father for me and all those around me.
Looking back on the film I relate with the second thief on the cross who said: " . . . for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong. Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom." I recognize that justice says I die for my sins, yet a man who has done nothing wrong died in my place so that I could come into the kingdom of He and His father.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.
Friday, February 27, 2004
:: last Fuel in February
We followed with some discussion on John 4 and the woman at the well. We talked about how Jesus crossed many cultural boundaries to encounter the woman at the well. We talked of how Jesus in His authenticity unmasked all the various masks of the woman. This unmasking led to a true encounter with herself and Jesus. We talked about how God not only encountered this woman but she became the vessel that would call the whole village to come and see Jesus. God uses unlikely vessels. We sang Psalm 121 and then prayed that the Lord would send us to the Colony to have encounters with the people there. We prayed that He would direct us how to serve people and how not to follow some rote pattern of reaching people. We want to be intertwined in the community there and be open to the God encounters that come. Instead of the woman at the well it may be the man at Wal=Mart, or the woman at Braums, the teen at Whataburger or the single mom at the grocery store.
Lord show us how to serve.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
:: meeting with George W.
:: church plant central gets hit next
:: Simple faith put to sleep
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
:: Deeper and deeper still
What if . . . What if we are supposed to learn about one subject for years or a lifetime. I heard Mike Bickle talk about studying a book of the bible. He talked of people who had studied one book 20+ years then began to grasp what the book was about. I was talking to a friend from Lubbock Texas today and was reminded that we need to go deeper in what we know not broader in knowing more. Some concepts I could spend a lot of time on in going deeper is God's love, God's grace, what community really is in this walk. What is the kingdom of God really? No, not a one sentence answer that has been programmed in us like a catchy McDonald's commercial. But really what are the heights and the depths of the kingdom of God.
God, take us deeper in Christ and knowing Him that in that depth He is made known.
Monday, February 23, 2004
:: The greatest hermeneutic
Leslie Newbigin, The Gospel in a Pluralistic Culture
:: Living together as brothers
Martin Luther King
Sunday, February 22, 2004
:: Combating the Enlightenment Whirlwind
The visionary changes occurring at Baylor have been met with consternation because we have dined too long at the Enlightenment table, without setting richer food alongside its meager fare. Our failure to contest Enlightenment individualism, for instance, has landed us in ludicrous heresies. Luther's classic doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is a case in point. It has been corrupted into the heretical and essentially Gnostic idea of the priesthood of the solitary believer. Instead of serving as priests to each other in obedience to our one High Priest (and thus engage in the radically communal life of the church and its institutions), each individual is supposed to become his own priest.
The Enlightenment idea of the independent, all-sovereign self therefore contravenes the fundamental Christian conviction that we are covenantal rather than contractual creatures. The triune God has revealed himself to be a community of persons who has pledged to bring us into his own life through the communal life of his people. There is thus no such thing as a solitary Christian having a purely private relation to Jesus Christ, but then joining with other Christians only for the sake of worship, missions, and other common purposes. To be "in Christ," as Paul endlessly emphasizes, is to be permanently transformed by our life in the Body of Christ called the church.
This article is a great example of a forming postmodern theology.
Found via Jason Clark
:: Tips for writing on the web
found via Jordon Cooper
Friday, February 20, 2004
:: Under the weather
I spent some time reading "The Wounded Healer" by Henry Nouwen today.
In speaking about this the younger generation in his book he says "the problem is not that the future holds a new danger, such as a nuclear war, but that there might be no future at all." Speaking about a specific young man Peter, Nouwen says "he thinks of himself more as one of the last ones in the experiment of living than as a pioneer working for a new future."
This line of thinking fits I think into the perspective a follower of Christ should have in letting his or her mind focus on the kingdom of God (life that is other than just this world). Just to live for a better future will never allow us to find our reason. But to live for an eternal kingdom gives us hope to carry on in the here and now and look forward to a future that is full. We are to be strangers and aliens here. Our primary task isn't to better the planet although we should respect the planet as we live here. Our primary task is growing toward eternity.
When the kids came home from school we watched "the shakiest gun in the west" with Don Knotts. It was pretty funny. My kids enjoyed it.
It may be the drugs (ibuprofin), I may be rambling, just couldn't lie around anymore today.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
:: I am . . .
I am the Judas who betrays,
He is the Jesus who forgives.
I am the Peter who denies,
He is the Jesus who restores.
I am the Thomas who doubts,
He is the Jesus who gives me cause to believe.
I am the religious who hate, He is the Jesus who loves.
He is my Jesus who loves me.
I read this on Will Phillips blog. There are those times that I am tempted to stand in judgement of others. The truth in this poem describes my humanity apart from Him. Thank you Jesus that you are the one who forgives, restores, gives me faith, and loves.
:: walking on water, can it be done?
Story 1:
Roy Burris Senior was coming out of a couple of day fasting and prayer time where he had really sought the Lord. I guess he was thinking his faith was pretty strong. He looked off in the distance and saw a dock, with his faith being so stirred, he thought "I think I can walk on water". So off he went walking down that dock and off onto the water. Only he went right under, water engulfed all around him. As his head came above the water, he thought "at least I had the faith to try".
I totally cracked up at that.
Story 2:
A group of old time pentecostals had gone up into the mountains to pray. It was a particularly cold season as they were there. In the cabin they were staying in was a wood burning furnace. One of those with the latch door on the front. Somehow one of them said "I have the faith to touch that hot furnace, so he would go by and slap it. So far, so good. One ole boy decided "I have the faith to stick my head in the furnace." He kept looking at that furnace. In a minute one of the slaps popped the door open and this fellow says "I'm gonna do it". So he runs over and sticks his head in the furnace, only to come right back out with his hair on fire.
Man, I really laughed at that one. I have this odd "that was just crazy" and at the same time "a respect for their zeal"
CAUTION: .................Please do not try these tricks at home..................
Saturday, February 14, 2004
:: FUEL 2nd Feb
We continued talking about grace. We read from the message where grace is gift after gift after gift. Our God often pours out from His fullness into our lives with gift after gift after gift. I was reminded of my own story and how many times there came gift after gift after gift. Gifts of peace, gifts of hanging out with Him and knowing His nearness, gifts of joy, gifts of answered prayer, gifts of serving others, and on and on and on.
With grace involved it is really hard to have a dull story. Now the story of our journey with Christ has hard chapters, painful chapters, chapters that have failure in them, but it is never a dull story.
:: Opportunities
I shared some and let those guys ask me questions. At one particular point one of the girls in the class asked "I hear you say, you heard God, How do you know?" I replied that it is much easier after the fact to say I heard God. When God is speaking it is a little more tricky. I read the bible, I pray, I consult with my wife, I listen to Godly counselors and then on top of all that I hope God helps me figure it out. I have such a passion to pass on life lessons I have learned in this journey with the Lord. I am thankful for opportunities such as these to do just that.
Monday, February 09, 2004
:: Mozilla
I have been using Mozilla firebird. Firefox is the latest version of Mozilla. It was just released and I am going to try it out.
:: an emerging church
So Resonance is emerging on the scene in the Colony. This is a next step season for us. We believe we have established a true community of people who have heard from God to be involved, now we get to open our doors wider to a specific community. These are exciting times. My prayer is that we would have the spirit of Philip as he went and brought Nathanael to Jesus saying "Come and see". That is our desire that people would come and see the man who is the son of God, Jesus. Our prayer also is that we could serve the Colony and the other churches there and not be in any competition whatsoever.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
:: Jesus makes the cover of Newsweek magazine
Here is an interview by James Caviezel on being picked for the part of Jesus in Newsweek.
Friday, February 06, 2004
:: First FUEL February
We talked how we are containers and vessels of God's grace. God uses us in the workplace to be distributers of His grace. We looked at John 1:16 where Jesus came to give us grace upon grace. We talked of how all of God's resource, all He is, is a part of grace. How God's grace is an ocean where waves splash on us. We continue to receive God's grace. It is so vast wave upon wave come to us. It is an endless sea.
We are just beginning this dialogue about grace. I look forward to exploring it much more in fullness.
We divided into groups and prayed for one another, for others we were aware of a need for, and for grace to be extended to us and through us in coming days.